Build and find your community

Build a community of like minded people on our platform. Distribute content, host irl events.

Publish content + host events for your community

We are a non profit organization developing a platform for people to build digital + irl communities.

We enable you to easily distribute content using blogs and host events via our app.

Everything you post on the platform is fully owned by you. We are proudly open source.

Empower Connect Build

Discover, connect, and build your community with our app bridging the digital and real world.

white and black Together We Create graffiti wall decor
white and black Together We Create graffiti wall decor
woman sitting on chair holding leaf
woman sitting on chair holding leaf
Share Ideas & Events

Share your ideas through blogs, set up events, and sign up for local events.

Find Like-Minded People

Find communities of people with common passions and interests in your area.

Sign up for early access

Sign up to be a part of our waitlist and be the first to hear about our launch!